The Path to Self Mastery

Aware Conscious Mindful – Free image on Pixabay

Partial Lectures given by PhD Theresa Bullard,  Physicist, Modern Mystery School Teacher  – Gaia mainstream, 24th June 2019.

(…)Is there a way to awaken our greater potential, and what that really means? To find out, let’s unfold both the science and metaphysics.

We are incredible beings with huge potential that is largely untapped and is just waiting to be awakened.

Current statistics from science are fascinating: less than 5% of the  universe around us is made of ordinary matter that we can detect. The other 95% is made up of mysterious substances called dark matter and dark energy. But science doesn’t know what it is.

Then consider that os this 5% we only directly perceive a small portion of the vibrational spectrum with our five physical senses. On top of this, psychologists speculate  that like an iceberg; the amount that we are consciously aware of is just the tip of the iceberg. While the majority is processed subconsciously or even unconsciously.

Likewise with are only using about 1% to 3% of our DNA to build  the proteins that conduct all of our bodies’ need. Combining all this together, at least somewhere between 90% to 99% room to growth in our awareness of who we are and this universe we live in.

It means we are barely even accessing one snowflake on the top of the iceberg of our potential.

What if we can bring greater levels of awareness and consciouness into this process? What if we can start to perceive more of the true reality around us? What if we can start tapping to more of our full potential? Imagine what we could accomplish if we started accessing even a fraction more of those hidden resources within us.

We could turn on our abilities, such as enhanced immunity, inner genius, extra sensory perception, better memory, remembering our true purpose in life, having more energy, vitality, longevity, activating our superhuman abilities and so much more.

Think of what is depicted in movies like Lucy, Dr. Strange, X-Men or Neo in the Matrix. We actually do have that kind of potential. The question is – can we wake it up and bring it  more fully onboard? And the answer is yes.

What is the essence that makes all of this possible? As we explored through Season One, quantum principles underlie everything in our universe. We live in a quantum universe. From the smallest of particles to the largest structures of intergalactic space, we are quantum beings.

We’ve all heard the phrase ‘everything is energy’. Einstein’s famous ecquation ‘e’ equals ‘MC’ squared says that,  mass times the space of light squared is equal to energy. But is not only mass that is energy. Our thoughts & emotions are energy, too.

When we talk about holding  more light within, what that really means? Is it just a spiritual saying? Or is there physical components to it, as well?

Metaphysically, it means we carry a higher or faster vibration of energy in both our soul and body. Spiritually, it requires that we expand our consciousness and perceptions, Physically, we also need to expand at the level of our atomic and energetic structures that make up our body. And by expansion, we literally mean that we expand so that we can contain more empty space within.

And this idea of empty space is really important when it comes to activating our potential. With the right amount of new light or energy, our electrons can make quantum leaps and excite to higher energy states within us. Our electrons actually become more highly energised.

What is important here is that when the electrons jump, to a higher orbital, that creates more empty space between the electrons and the nucleus. But as we know, ‘empty space’ is not really empty. It is teeming with infinite possibility and virtual energy. It’s called THE ZERO POINT FIELD, but is not actually zero. On the contrary, there is  a vast amount of potential energy contained within it at the quantum level.

Theoretical Physicist Richard Fermanagh and John Wheeler once calculated the ‘zero point ‘ energy radiation of the vacuum to be an order of magnitude greater than nuclear energy.  Feynman even said that is enough energy in a  single cube meter of space to boil all the oceans in the world. This is the essence of creation.

Let’s dive into the practical applications and how to truly awaken our potential.

Where do we start this process? To awaken our potential more fully, we begin by making a shift in our awareness in perception. Expanding our awareness not only within the physical and our hability  to perceive with our five senses, but also expanding within the mental, emotional and ethereal planes. As we do this, we begin to begin operating with more awareness of our multi-dimensionality, and we begin to influence higher planes os causation. This is a process of self mastery, and it is about expanding our awareness, raising our vibration and transforming into the light body. It is about reaching a level where we can operate consciously all the way down to the atomic scale, and it is about accessing more of the infinite possibilities within us. Like professional athlet who is training  to maximise self mastery to maximise performance, we must approach self mastery with the commitment to our daily practice and training.  By doing the work daily to expand our perceptions, to train our brain for greater awareness, harness our will, and to make the lifestyle choices that supports our full potential.

The hermetic principle of cause and effect says: ‘Every cause has its effect. Every effect has its cause. Everything happens according  to law. Chance is but a name for law not recognised. There are many planes of causation but nothing scapes the law’.

True magic happens when we begin to influence these higher planes of causation. But in order to consciously influence these higher planes, we must reach higher state of consciousness. This is something we can do by learning to shift our brain waves overcoming limited thinking and achieving a state of coherence with the quantum field. (…)


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  1. Dear Mary, Thank you so much for honouring my request for translating your post to English Language. I deeply appreciate your effort at translating your post to English Language. I send you light and love. I love you, Mary

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